Speeding Accidents

Manchester Lawyers Helping People Hurt in Speeding Accidents Seek Justice

All motorists should know that they must comply with posted speed limits, but many people drive on New Hampshire and Massachusetts roads at excessive speeds on a regular basis. While people may think that speeding is a harmless act, it often causes collisions, and crashes that occur at high rates of speed can cause catastrophic injuries. If you suffered losses due to a speeding accident, you may be able to recover damages from the party that caused your harm, and you should speak to an attorney as soon as possible. The dedicated Manchester personal injury attorneys of Stephen Law Group are adept at helping people hurt by negligent drivers in the pursuit of compensation, and if we represent you, we will fight to help you seek the justice you deserve. We frequently represent parties hurt in speeding accidents in lawsuits in Manchester as well as in other cities in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine.

New Hampshire and Massachusetts Laws Regarding Speeding

Massachusetts and New Hampshire have similar laws regarding speeding and speed limits. In Massachusetts, the speed limit on most highways is 65 mph, although it can vary depending on the specific road and location. Speed limits for roads without posted signs are established by statutory law. These limits vary depending on the type of road and area.

Similarly, New Hampshire’s speed limits also vary depending on the type of road, but on most highways, the maximum speed limit is 65 mph. However, there are certain areas where the speed limit can be as high as 70 mph.

Elements of Lawsuits Arising Out of Speeding Accidents

People who drive at excessive speeds often lack the ability to react to hazardous conditions or scenarios in time to avoid a collision. As such, speeding accidents are relatively common. People involved in speeding accidents often suffer significant losses and will subsequently seek compensation from the responsible parties via negligence claims asserted in civil lawsuits.

In both Massachusetts and New Hampshire, a plaintiff alleging negligence has to show that the defendant owed the plaintiff a duty to act with reasonable care under the circumstances but that the defendant’s actions or failure to act constituted a breach of the duty. For example, driving in excess of the speed limit arguably constitutes a breach of the duty to drive in a safe manner.

The plaintiff must also establish that the defendant’s breach caused the plaintiff to sustain measurable damages. While the defendant’s actions do not have to be the sole factor that brought about the accident, they must be a substantial factor in bringing it about. Additionally, the plaintiff must show that they would not have been injured absent the breach. In other words, the accident would not have happened if the defendant drove at a safe speed.

Damages Recoverable in Cases Arising Out of Speeding Accidents

Due to the high rate of impact, speeding accidents typically cause significant bodily injuries, including fractures, traumatic brain injuries, organ damage, and soft tissue injuries. As such, the damages recoverable in cases arising out of speeding accidents are often substantial. They may include the cost of any medical treatment the plaintiff needed for their injuries, including hospitalization, surgery, therapy, and out-of-pocket expenses. If the plaintiff could not work due to their injuries, they may also be awarded damages for lost wages. Additionally, a substantial portion of a plaintiff’s damages award typically compensates the plaintiff for the pain and suffering they endured. If the plaintiff was married when the accident occurred, their spouse might be able to recover damages as well.

Speak with a Trusted New Hampshire Personal Injury Attorney

Speeding accidents can cause significant and lasting harm, and people who cause such collisions should be held accountable. If you were hurt in a speeding accident, it is advisable to speak to an attorney about your potential claims. The trusted Manchester personal injury attorneys of Stephen Law Group can gather the evidence needed to provide you with a strong chance of a favorable outcome. We regularly represent people in speeding accident cases in Manchester and in other cities in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. We have multiple offices, which are located in Manchester and Concord, New Hampshire; North Andover and Methuen, Massachusetts; and Saco, Maine. You can reach us via our form online or by calling us at 877-663-1007 to arrange a meeting.

Client Reviews

I was in an accident and I contacted Stephen Law Group. I was thrilled with the result, not only did I receive more than I thought I would, but I walked away knowing I have a full team of attorneys ready to support me in any challenge I face going forward. They made me feel like family.

Sandra G.

Stephen Law Group makes you feel like your case is the most important case they have. I was in a horrible accident. Stephen Law Group was there for me through a very difficult time and helped me obtain a very successful result. I was thrilled with their representation.

Melissa G.

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